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Born in 1971, Florence D’elle is a self-taught Belgian author-photographer who would have loved to write from the time she was a teenager.
She discovered her love of photography by chance while photographing two friends.
In 2010, she won the Gold Medal for Fine Art Photography at the Hyogo Art Museum in Kobe Japan. This was followed by two series, ‘Les Secrètes’ and ‘Re Birth’.
2015 saw her life turned upside down following the death of her partner, and her entire photographic language was turned upside down. She turned to film and only historical techniques: the technique of slowness became the medium for a new form of writing. In this way, she wrote ‘Resili O’, a personal vision of a path of resilience, the most personal, intimate and raw series she has ever written.
The use of the old camera in the slow process of large format photography gives a vital rhythm of timelessness for the artist, and becomes an extension of herself as she writes ‘Un Conte’ in the large format camera using the old technique of wet collodion in tintypes by hand. The slowness of the time devoted to this technique is inseparable from the content she wishes to create.
This tale is also her tale, her story about the place of women in fairy tales, rooted in a past that is dreamy, silent, burning, uncertain and luminous, but also subject to a certain form of violence: Pan’s labyrinth in a magical world that creates another reality in an intergenerational language. The tree is a door that opens up space. The technical imperfections for which she fell in love are part of this slow process of language keys.
Florence D’elle was then invited by the Sunnhorland Museum on the island of Halsnoy in Norway to take up a photographic residency in 2022, at which time she wrote ‘Opprinnelsen’ (‘The Origins’ in Norwegian), a work in collodion which was exhibited the following year at the Museum and which she would now like to bring to life in exhibitions and also turn to publishing.
In May 2024, she joined Agence Révélateur in Paris, an agency founded by Olivier Bourgoin, and her work can be found in galleries in Belgium, France and Mauritius, as well as in private collections.
Prizes and Awards Selection
2010 Les Secrètes, Hyogo Art Museum, First Prize Gold Fine Art Photography, Kobé, Japan
2022, Augustus-September, finalist for Residency Halsnoy Kloster Abbey, Sunnhorland Museum, Norway
2010 Les Secrètes, AngelArt Gallery, Saint-Paul de Vence, France
2010 Les Secrètes, Le Mas de Pierre 5* Guest House, Saint-Paul de Vence, France
2011 Les Secrètes, Galeries Lafayette, Nice, France
2012 Les Secrètes et Amazones, Maison Bernard Depoorter, Wavre, Belgium
2012 Les Secrètes, Stassart Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgium
2013 Les Secrètes, David Lloyd Belgium
2014 Re Birth, SpotUArt Gallery, Fotofever , Carrousel du Louvre, Paris
2015 ReBirth, LoftPhoto Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2016 ReBirth, Contrast Yves VanDenSteen Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2023, 16 novembre-31 décembre, Un Conte, Galerie L’Angle Photographies, Hendaye, France
Group Exhibitions
2010 Les Secrètes, AngelArtGallery, Carlton Hotel, Festival de Cannes, Cannes, France
2010 Les Secrètes, Hyogo Art Museum, First Prize Gold Fine Art Photography, Kobé, Japan
2011 Les Secrètes, Gallery The 3A The Excellence of Art, Mauritius Isle
2012 Amazones, De Canevas Collectie, La Collection, Belgium
2012 Les Secrètes, Brussels Accessible Art Fair, Brussels, Belgium
2013 Les Secrètes & ReBirth, Connexions Lumineuses, Atelier Christina Jekéy, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium
2014 Les Secrètes, SpotUArt Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2016 ReBirth, Into the Wild, SpotUArt Gallery, Tervueren, Belgium
2017 Resili O, Intruder Photography, Venize Biennale Off, TransBoardingArt, Venize, Italy
2017 Resili O, WeAreArtists, Hangar H18, Brussels,belgium
2017 Resili O, HERSTORY, private exhibition , Brussels, Belgium
2018 Resili O, Back from Darkness II, Studio Baxton, Brussels,Belgium
2019, Silenci O Merveillos O (partim ) , les Rencontres d’Arles, Workshop Antoine d’Agata , Arles , France
2019, préfinaliste , Resili O, les Rencontres Photographiques du Mans, avril 2020, Le Mans , France
2020, préfinaliste , Un Conte, les Rencontres Photographiques du Mans, avril 2021, Le Mans, France
2020, Novembre, Un Conte, Gaïa Obscura, Studio Baxton, Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2021, finaliste, Resili O, Are You Experiencing , avril 2021 ,le Havre, France 2020
2021, juin, Un Conte et Resili O , Art Is Big , What Gallery , Waterloo, Belgium
2021 , juillet ,Un Conte , Finaliste projections Les Nuits Photographiques de Pierrevert, Pierrevert, France
2022, mars, Un Conte et Resili O , L’Oeil du Collectionneur, Jérome Prochiantz, Galerie Polka, Paris , France
2022, avril , Un Conte , Once upon a time , avec Estelle Lagarde, Galerie Parallax, Aix-en Provence, France
2023, février, ReBirth et Résili O, Censored, Gand, Belgium
2023, avril, Un Conte, AreYouExperiencing, Espace Claude Monet, Le Havre, France
2023, 20 aout, Opprinnelesen, Halsnoy Kloster, Ile de Halsnoy, Norvège
2024, Un Conte, Exposition Synthèse, Galerie L’ANGLE Photographies , Hendaye, France
Monography Exhibition Catalogue « Les Secrètes », 2010, AngelArt Gallery, available on request
Re Birth, Auto-edition book, limited to 30 exemplars+ 1 A4 picture , 2014, available on request
Resili O, Exhibition Catalogue, Auto-edition book 2017, available on request
PHOTO magazine, Reponses Photo, San Remo Magazine, Gael&Feeling, Le Vif L'Express, l'Evénement, Psychologies Magazine, Le Soir, Le Journal du Dimanche, L'Eventail , Emission télévisée Sans Chichis
Workshops et Residences
Françoise Huguier, Huis clos , Agence Vu , Paris , France , 2013
Elina Brotherus , Association Diaphane , France , 2015
Antoine d’Agata , les Rencontres Photographiques , Arles , France , 2019
FLORE et Sylvie Hughes , FOTOMasterclass, Paris, France , 2019-2020
Marie Sepchat, Eric Sez, Adrian Claret, Fotobookmasterclass, 2023
Lara Fabian, Singer
Maison Bernard Depoorter, Stylist, Wavre, Belgium
Olivia Hainaut, Jewelery Creator , Brussels, Belgium